I was extremely thankful to be given the opportunity to take part in designing this heart-warming, intimate and sincere zine that is very much needed right now in our migrant community. As the zine shed light on the reality of our migrant community in Aotearoa amidst the pandemic, the voices of our writers and artists are also seen and heard.
From essays to poetry, collage and illustrations, each writer and artist had their own story to tell. Stories about family, home, culture, tradition, relationships, connection, and identity during times of uncertainty and ambiguity. The collective voices of our migrants of colour bring you on an emotional rollercoaster ride, down your memory lane and tug at your heartstrings. 
To those who are far from home, those who are navigating their unique identities, and those who have loved and lost, we hope this zine can bring you warmth and comfort.
Read Online: https://issuu.com/migrantzinecollective/docs/together_apart_print

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